Structural Engineer

Linear Structural Analysis Solution on the Cloud

Structural Engineer Role Overview

Structural Engineer equips the Design Engineer with all the tools needed to efficiently conduct structural linear static, frequency, buckling, steady-state thermal simulation and modal dynamic response of product designs within 3DEXPERIENCE.

State of the art interaction between CAD, PLM, and CAE

Structural Engineer provides unique capabilities to collaborate, simulate, and impact product development processes throughout the extended enterprise using state-of-the-art Abaqus simulation technology, ensuring accuracy of the virtual testing.

With Structural Engineer, users build simulation models directly on the design geometry. Tight associativity with CATIA and SOLIDWORKS means that simulation and CAD always remain synchronized even after design changes. It provides access to advanced simulation technology within a consistent and intuitive interface.


Structural Engineer

Structural Engineer Capabilities

Simulation is managed as a core value of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform through the capture, management, and re-use of simulation IP allowing it to become a true corporate asset.

Linear Analysis

Structural Engineer delivers proven world class Abaqus technology in a seamless and powerful user interface on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform so that design engineers can get the benefits of virtual testing for informed technical decisions-makings. It offers:

  • Linear simulation setup for structural and steady-state thermal analysis provides interactive access to common functionality in Abaqus
  • Linear StaticFrequencyBucklingSteady-state Thermal and Modal Dynamic analysis types
  • Realistic behavior Simulation under all common loading and boundary condition structural loading conditions.
  • Contact (surface pairs, detection) definition where parts within an assembly can be defined to be initially in contact.
  • High quality meshing directly on the design geometry, including rule-based meshing.
  • Automatic mesh generation with tetrahedral elements is provided, including specification of element type.
  • Efficient post-processing for the largest of simulation models using distributed HPC resources.
  • Leverages proven Abaqus technology with accurate structural and thermal simulations in an intuitive workflow.
  • High performance on multi-core workstations with a modern simulation solution on multi-core distribute HPC clusters.
  • Always-available embedded compute licensing (up to 4 cores) allows the user to run simulation on the local machine at anytime.
  • Easily scalable to add non-linearity with other roles (DRD, SSU etc.)

The 3D Space of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform offers for all users simplified and powerful management of data and content. The embedded 3D Search enables engineers to easily find data such as geometry, material and simulation models improving productivity.

SIMULIA Role Matrix

Determine which Role suits your analysis needs

Save SOLIDWORKS data on the cloud-based 3DEXPERIENCE® platform directly from SOLIDWORKS
Full Design Associativity
Enable efficient what-if scenarios that update your simulation model for any change made with a CAD application connected to the platform
User Assistant
Follow an interactive wizard to set up, run and review results of simulation
Physics Methods Reuse
Customize the User Assistant to streamline the setup and solving of complex simulations
PlatformData Access and Management
Access the latest product design information from a single, centralized, secure location on the cloud
Engineering Collaboration
Collaborate in real time, exchange ideas and manage tasks across disciplines on the cloud
Lightweight Results Review
Review and share simulation results in real time on the cloud
SolverAbaqus Implicit Solver
Solve static problems such as gasket compression and pre-loaded bolts
Abaqus Implicit Dynamic Solver
Solve quasi-static problems such as snap fits
Abaqus Explicit Solver
Solve nonlinear dynamic problems such as drop test and impact
ScenarioLinear Static Analysis
Run linear static, thermal (steady-state), frequency, and linear buckling studies
Linear Dynamic Analysis
Run modal transient, and model harmonic studies
Nonlinear Static Analysis
Run nonlinear static, thermal (transient) and visco/creep studies
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis
Run nonlinear dynamic, nonlinear buckling, random vibrations, complex frequency, and sub-modeling studies
Sequential Multi-Step Simulations
Set-up automatic sequential loading in one simulation
Abaqus General Contact
Automatically set up component contact
Set up modeling of multiple components in an assembly
Adaptive Solid Meshing
Automatically refine meshes for higher accuracy where needed
Comprehensive Meshing Capabilities
Create high-quality meshes for solids, shells, and beams
Rule-Based Meshing
Set meshing size and specifications (holes, fillets) for automatic high-quality mesh creation
Geometry Preparation & Simplification
Automatically remove undesired geometry (holes, fillets, logos), extract mid-surface, and partition geometry for hex meshing
MaterialsNonlinear Materials
Explore a wide range of materials with the following properties: hyper-elasticity, plastic or permanent deformation, creep deformation, viscoelasticity
Material Calibration
Use test data to calibrate model behavior
ResultsBasic Post-Processing Tools
Generate report, contour/vector/iso-surface plots
Advanced Post-Processing Tools
Create XY plots (field, history), path plots, view cuts
Material Rendering
Create stunning visuals coupling material rendering with simulation results
High-Performance Visualization
Accelerate the visualization of results even on large models
ComputationLocal Computing
Run simulations on user’s local computer
Cloud Computing
Run simulations remotely on the cloud

+ Requires an additional role

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Structural Engineer Features

Leverages proven Abaqus technology

SIMULIA Structural Engineer-setup

Interaction between CAD & PLM

Fully integrated with 3DEXPERIENCE Design/Engineering and Simulation product suite for a productive workflow and a scalable portfolio for all manufacturing companies.

  • Streamlined workflow with CATIA V5 and SOLIDWORKS Connected
    • Design Engineers can easily consume design data for product performance assessment.
  • 3D CAD Data import in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for 3D Design simulation
    • 3D XML Files
    • SOLIDWORKS Files
    • CATIA Files (requires Design and Engineering role)
    • Neutral CAD format such as IGES or STP
    • Other CAD files by xCAD translator

Different Simulation Types

Delivers access to sophisticated simulation technology within an intuitive interface

  • Offers linear structural scenarios for product performance and quality testing during the product design process
  • Determine the strength of a product designed by reporting stress and deformations distribution
  • Improve designs at risk for resonance and other dynamic effects
  • Predict temperature distribution within a design due to steady-state thermal loading
  • Enables high performance results visualization, particularly for very large models
Structural Engineer Analysis
SIMULIA Linear Simulation Scenario


The 3DEXPERIENCE platform enables your organization to efficiently manage all facets of your product development process while reducing infrastructure costs, IT overhead, software maintenance and complexity. Your teams can take advantage of the following platform capabilities:

  • Securely view, share, annotate, discuss and manage designs and simulation data from anywhere, at any time and on any device with a web browser
  • Collaborate with all internal and external team members through cloud-based dashboards, messaging, activity streams, communities and drag-and-drop task management

3DEXPERIENCE Works provides a Safe, Social, Connected, Informed and Structured environment for team leaders, project managers and other professionals who want to manage data on the cloud and collaborate without constraints.

Safe: Customer controlled access. Transparent cloud backup. Encrypted communication protocols. Data always safe-no overwrite, no loss of data.

Social: Integrated structured and unstructured collaboration tools enabling social innovation. Collaborate on product design or engage with your stakeholders early in product development.

Connected: Every user always connected to a single, common database. Access data anywhere, anytime, on any device. Review and markup models.

Informed: Choose from the widget library, Create and share Dashboards. Get the latest information about your product development. Always have access to your latest data.

Structured: Zero overhead data management - store and manage data across collaborative spaces, share information in communities. Find indexed data faster by using tags, custom search, etc.